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Sinuses diagram in Harley Street LondonIn wintry weather, sinusitis can be more prevalent in the population – the cold weather, dry air outside and warm air inside wreak havoc on your sinuses and can thicken mucus, which leads to congestion, pain and a feeling of pressure in areas of the face. The good news is that help is on hand. Here in Harley Street, our top ENT expert – Jon Hughes – offers treatment for sinusitis which can leave you feeling free to breathe once again. Read on to discover our specialist guide to treating sinusitis.


  1. Saline nasal spray


Saline solution is effectively a mixture of salt and water, often in a strength that’s similar to human teas. It might sound strange to squirt this mixture up your nose, but it can help clear the passages inside the nose. That’s because it adds moisture while curbing inflammation.


  1. Decongestants


From sprays to tablets and liquids, these can usually be found over-the-counter. However, they’re not recommended for long-term use as they could actually worsen congestion over time. They work by reducing the swelling of blood vessels found in the airways (called ‘constricting’ or ‘dilating’ in medical terms).

  1. Nasal corticosteroids


These are a special group of anti-inflammatory medicines, recommended for those where sinusitis may be triggered by an allergy (for instance, asthma or hay fever).  Sometimes, these may need to be prescribed. They may also be used alongside, or instead of, allergy medications.


  1. Pain relief


Paracetamol, ibuprofen and aspirin are some of the most common types of pain relief for sinusitis. Ibuprofen is a known anti-inflammatory medicine, while aspirin and paracetamol are more associated with pain relief.


  1. Rest


Resting is one of the best things you can do to combat infection – giving your body a chance to heal and regenerate. It doesn’t have to be in bed, though; remember that certain angles may worsen symptoms like congestion. Other at-home tricks include breathing in steam, nasal rinsing and warm compresses.


  1. Sinus surgery


Sinus surgery may be recommended in patients who have sinusitis caused by structural problems in the nose (for example, a deviated septum), polyps (non-cancerous growths) or recurrent infections. Our ENT expert, Jon Hughes, can talk you through your options and whether this is possible in your case.


Discover our sinusitis treatments today on Harley Street


To see how we could help, get in touch with our Harley Street team and book a consultation today.